Alistair McConnachie
Feb 20, 20214 min read
British Cabinet should Meet throughout the UK
A colourful idea which educates about our constitution and history, and brings the heart of British democracy closer
Alistair McConnachie
Feb 16, 20212 min read
Holyrood is Not the Place to Seek a 2nd Indyref Mandate
An election to a devolved parliament is not the place to seek a mandate to break up the UK!
Alistair McConnachie
Feb 5, 20216 min read
It's Moral and Democratic to Keep the UK Together
It's Moral and Democratic to Keep the UK Together and to Oppose anything which would Endanger it; says Alistair McConnachie
Alistair McConnachie
Dec 15, 20204 min read
Our annual Yule Britannia Christmas Crowdfunder!
Please support our vital annual Crowdfunder
Alistair McConnachie
Nov 13, 20203 min read
Dumfries Count, Revealed at Last, 1,854
For the first time, using video evidence, we reveal the true number of AUOB marchers in Dumfries back on 2-6-18
Alistair McConnachie
Oct 13, 202010 min read
Holyrood Cannot Deliver a Mandate for a 2nd IndyRef
Holyrood cannot deliver a mandate for a second IndyRef. Only a mandate at the Union Parliament can do that!
Alistair McConnachie
Sep 9, 20206 min read
Dundas is a Hero
The SNP wants to desecrate the Dundas monument with an illogical, wrong, biased, disrespectful, ahistorical plaque. Here's how to Object
Alistair McConnachie
Sep 3, 20202 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 7: "If Scotland was already Independent, why would it Join the Union"
If Scotland was already independent we would want to re-create the UK for all the reasons that it's a good thing right now
Alistair McConnachie
Aug 24, 20203 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 6: "The Decision is for Scotland alone"
The 6th in our series debunking common Scottish nationalist myths. We say that keeping Britain together is a matter for us all throughout th
Alistair McConnachie
Aug 6, 20205 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 5: "Westminster Can't Deny us a Second Referendum"
Yes the British Parliament can, because Scots gave it a fundamental Mandate for Unity when we took part in the 2019 General Election.