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A Wee Book for the Union is an A-6 (pocket-sized), 56-page, full-colour must-have for anybody who wants an informed opinion on Scotland and the Union. It is a fantastic wee campaigning and educational tool, packed with interesting historical points, and clever arguments, to help you make the case for the United Kingdom.


In 4 Parts, it addresses "The Past: How we Came Together", "The Present: Benefits of the UK Today", "The Debate: Exposing the Indy Myths", and "The Future: Making a Better Britain".


Price includes postage in the UK.


Why not buy 2 and send one to your local MP or devolved legislator!


Or you can check out our special Union Education Combo at the link here - where you can buy both our Wee Book for the Union and Do More Together: 102 Policies to Keep the UK Together, and save on the price of the Wee Book. Together, this Education Combo package represents an astonishingly original and extremely valuable education in authentic Unionism.


(Please note we do not normally sell to, or ship, outside the UK - owing to the postal costs being prohibitive. However, if you really want a copy, then contact us and we'll arrange a price for you.)


ISBN 978-1-7392999-0-3

A Wee Book for the Union



    A Force For Good

    Clyde Offices

    48 West George St, Glasgow, G2 1BP


    Tel: 07860 800 446

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