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ScotNats Get Telt in Dumfries

Alistair McConnachie

Alistair McConnachie and A Force For Good, Dumfries 2-6-18

The Scottish Nationalists were marching in Dumfries today. They bussed them in from all over. Three buses arrived from Glasgow.

Goodness knows what the good people of Dumfries thought? They probably didn't know what they'd done to deserve this imposition.

Of course, A Force For Good and our activists were there, standing for the Silent Majority.

21 of us reminded the passing marchers that we prefer Unity over Division.

That number included 12 from Dumfries, ensuring that the percentage of "Doonhamers" standing with us was considerably more than were present in the Nationalist ranks!

We reminded them that Scotland is British.

And Scotland Said No!

And we reminded them that Scotland will always be British, despite the best efforts of some of them to break us up!

And you know who agreed with that sentiment? One of Dumfries's Greatest sons, Robert Burns, who was seated on his statue behind us, watching the proceedings.

When Robert Burns was serving in the local British Army Regiment, called The Dumfries Volunteers, he wrote a poem, very suitable for today, entitled, "The Dumfries Volunteers".

He said:

Be Briton still to Britain True, Among ourselves United;

For Never but by British Hands, Must British wrongs be Righted!

He also said:

"I look upon the British Constitution, as settled at the Revolution, to be the most glorious on earth, or that perhaps the wit of man can frame".

We reminded the marchers of his words.

You can see the Facebook LiveStream at our Facebook page here.

What would he think of the sedition which passed him today?

He'd be glad we were there to back him up!

Click on any pic in this gallery.

Join Us

No doubt there were many more in Dumfries and the surrounding area who would have liked to join us!

However, unless you contact us, we don't know you exist!

If you'd like to stand with us, then CONTACT US

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We're always looking for people with skills.

For example, if you're a unionist film student then you might want to hang out with us at these events. You'll get some great footage and it can help our outreach.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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