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Alistair McConnachie

It's a Win for the Union at Inverness

A Force For Good calculates 3,386 marchers. Police Scotland stay silent on numbers. Angry ScotNats panic as they realise we will no longer allow them to get away with lying about their numbers. It's a Win for the Union!

AFFG at Inverness, 28-7-18

Despite what ScotNats are saying throughout social media, Police Scotland has not released any official estimate of the nationalist numbers.

This is likely because they know AFFG has documented video evidence of the entire March and we can explain our exact calculation to them.

One of our colleagues videoed the "All Under One Banner" Nationalist march from the area opposite and above the Clock Tower on Bridge Street where we were waving our Union Jack flags and addressing them through our PA system.

Our colleague then spent several hours on Saturday afternoon meticulously going through the video evidence, stopping and starting it, in order to get an exact count.

By early Saturday evening we were ready to go with the official count – 3,386 in a March which lasted precisely 42 minutes.

Our Protocol for the Count:

- All the Marshalls were counted

- All the Bikers were counted

- Small children and children in prams were NOT counted.

- Where it was difficult to tell from the footage if one was looking at 1 or 2 people (for example, if the figure was partially obscured by a flag) then it was counted as 2 people – thereby erring on the generous side.

Our colleague performed a fantastic service, not only for the truth of the matter, but for the pro-UK cause in general.

It means that we now have verifiable proof that the AUOB organisers are exaggerating – indeed lying – about their numbers ("14,000") to an extraordinary extent.

The real figure is more than 4 times fewer!

You can count them for yourself. Here's our video evidence:

We Will Not Allow them to Get Away with Lying any Longer

Of course, we've known for a long time, that they're exaggerating.

This first came to our attention after their Glasgow March on 5th May this year.

We knew something was clearly wrong.

The organisers were claiming "90,000" (the entire capacity of Wembley Stadium)! The Police – perhaps afraid to contradict the Marchers too heavily (and perhaps presuming that nobody, such as ourselves, would contradict them) – claimed the equally absurd figure of "35,000".

We were there and we estimated the number as likely to be less than 8 thousand! That's still a lot, but it's more than 11 times fewer than the marchers were claiming!

Then there was Dumfries on 2nd June. We were there too. The March lasted for around 25 minutes (and there were far fewer than at Inverness).

The Police claim of "10,000" was so wildly wrong that we realised there was a serious problem developing.

It was an absurd figure which had no basis in any physical evidence.

Consequently, several of our colleagues contacted the Dumfries and Galloway Police directly. The Police didn't want to admit that they were wrong, but they didn't want to explain how they came to their estimation either. We have the correspondence!

As we said at the time, this careless guess-timation was "directly making the people who want to destroy the United Kingdom look good, and directly demoralising the people who want to hold us together."

We surmised 6 reasons why Police Scotland was getting it so wildly wrong.

AFFG at Inverness, 28-7-18

Inverness Police Remain Silent on Figures

We realised we had to do something about it.

We decided to ensure that henceforth we would have documented and properly calculated video evidence at all the forthcoming marches.

And, wow, has it worked at Inverness!

For the first time this year, a Police Scotland branch has made absolutely no public guess-timation of the numbers.

Despite what the Nats are claiming on social media, the Police have made no official announcement.

Is that because they are aware of the work of A Force For Good?

You bet it is!

They know that we've got the documented evidence which we can show them. They know we can explain the evidence to them if necessary. Naturally, they are taking that very seriously.

So the game has now changed!

And that is a great result which has come out of Inverness.

Hopefully, no more crazy Police guess-timates. They know we are watching.

Of course, the Nats must be expected to continue to make absurd claims.

They have to give the impression of an unstoppable movement.

They have to keep raising the figures after every March regardless of the truth of the matter.

After all, we've now had "10,000" at Dumfries. We've had "14,000 at Inverness".

Expect "definitely more than 14K at Dundee" (18 August).

Expect, "oh, how surprising, even more in Glasgow" (15 September).

And then hold onto your horses for a "wow, would you believe it number at Edinburgh" (6 October).

In the face of this constantly rising exaggeration (and lying), it may be possible that Police Scotland will be reluctant to contradict such wild claims openly.

And because they know we are watching and recording, it is possible that they will, from now on, just say nothing, as per Inverness.

Join us at Dundee

The next march is at Dundee (18 August).

We will have people on the ground with the ability to make exact calculations. Never again will we allow the Nats to get away with their absurd exaggerations.

We're winning massively for the Union!

Meanwhile, thank you to all the people on our ever-growing "Thin Red Line" who stood fast for the Silent Majority at Inverness.

And you know what – there may be fewer of us, but we do not lie about our numbers, and that's the big difference.

We are emboldened because we know that "the Few" is a well-established British theme.

Whether that is "the Few, the Happy Few, the Band of Brothers" at Agincourt; or the Apprentice Boys at the Gates of Derry; or the Highlanders at the Thin Red Line at Balaclava; or the Welshmen at Rourke's Drift; or the pilots at the Battle of Britain – the British Few always prevail!

So, if you want to join us in Dundee, Glasgow, or Edinburgh please contact us using the form below.

If that's not for you but you want to make sure we can be there, then please set up a regular monthly standing order with us here.

Our AFFG Thin Red Line at Inverness, 28-7-18.

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