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3,726 at Anti-Monarchy March in Glasgow

Alistair McConnachie

Pro-UK campaign group and think tank, A Force For Good (AFFG) has filmed and counted the All Under One Banner (AUOB) Scottish nationalist march – which they were advertising as a pro-republic march – through Glasgow on Coronation Day, Saturday 6th May.

AFFG counted 3,726 on the march, and it took 27 mins to pass our counting point beginning at 4.25 on the video below and lasting until the police van passes at 31.25.

People can count the marchers for themselves, from our video here:

Director, Alistair McConnachie, says:

"A Force For Good has built a reputation for filming and counting the "All Under One Banner" Scottish nationalist marches accurately, and revealing their gross exaggerations – which include exaggerating by 22 times, as in Edinburgh on 5-10-19.

"It is essential that we at AFFG record the truth for posterity. We ensure that their lying numbers do not get written into history, and we ensure that pro-UK people are not deliberately demoralised by false propaganda.

"As you can see from the clear video of the march, it lasts for 27 minutes.

"As anyone can count for themselves from our video, there were 3,726, give or take a 2% margin of error.

"On their march in Glasgow, last May (14-5-23), AUOB had 773 participants. This year, despite a lot of hype for them, they have only managed an additional 2,953.

"Clearly most people in Scotland are much more interested in watching and celebrating the British Coronation than wasting their time on a dismal pro-republican separatist shuffle, traipsing forlornly on a Road to Nowhere."


About A Force For Good

We are Scotland's premier pro-UK campaign group and think tank. We were founded by Alistair McConnachie on 21 March 2012 and we're based in Glasgow.

You can find all the true counts for all of the AUOB marches to date, including our Counting Protocol, and our Counting Tips (and the video of the AUOB march in May 2022) in our article: "Fantasy Figures Exposed: All the Nationalist Marches to Date".

You can find out how the long-focal-length camera lens can give a misleading impression of size, in our article

What we Believe at A Force For Good

The following 4-Point Statement represents the Position upon which we stand, and from which we judge the Philosophy, Policy, Projects and Activity which we promote.

1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall be maintained.

2. The United Kingdom is, and shall remain, primarily a Unitary State and One Nation.

3. Ever Closer Union between all the people and parts of the United Kingdom – including but not limited to elements; social, cultural, educational, economic, legal, territorial and political – shall be pursued.

4. The United Kingdom is a Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Parliamentary Democracy; and the House of Windsor shall continue to provide the Head of State.

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