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Dumfries Count, Revealed at Last, 1,854

Alistair McConnachie

Back on Saturday 2nd June 2018, the Scottish nationalist "All Under One Banner" (AUOB) group held a march through Dumfries. Naturally, A Force For Good's Thin Red Line was there to stand up for the United Kingdom and remind the passing marchers of the importance of our wonderful country (above).

We have to admit though, that this event was before we realised that the SNP-supporting marchers were using deliberate lying and exaggeration as a tactic. It was before we realised that we would have to time, film, and count every march in order to get an accurate figure of attendees.

At Dumfries, we were appalled that the marchers, backed up by the Police, claimed 10,000 attended!

Our experience told us that this was a massive exaggeration!

However, we had no film evidence, and so we could only approximate around 3,000 maximum passing us in an approximate 25 minute period.

That was a very generous estimate because it relied – for simplicity – upon a calculation that the march was passing us at a constant rate and volume, which it was not doing (120 per min x 25 mins).

We are now delighted to announce that film evidence has emerged which enables us to make an accurate count.

The film evidence is from a nationalist supporter. The person is filming the march as it heads up the High Street, towards the Midsteeple.

We are able to time the March from the moment the first marcher sets foot on the bricked paving across from the Coral betting shop, to the point when the last marcher toes that line – at 16 minutes 54 seconds.

Note however, that a march will take a longer time to pass other given points, due to the incline of the road, or the width of the through-way. It passed our Thin Red Line at the narrowest point at the Robert Burns Statue, and so it would take the slowest time in that area.

Using this video, we are able to make an accurate count of 1,854 – with a 3% margin of error either way accepted in this instance.

Even with a margin of error added, this is less than 5 times the AUOB and Police over-estimate!

That is 110 people per minute passing this given point – which is in line with our usual estimation of 100-120 a minute passing a given point at any time.

Shortly after the march, a colleague approached the Dumfries Police about their gross over-estimation. Unfortunately, their Chief Superintendent stood by it, claiming that after "seeking advice from the police Tactical Advisors, who are experts in this area, the number of 10,000 was estimated. This estimate came from their professional opinion and experience gained from regular attendance at crowded sporting events across the country."

We wrote an article at the time which investigated how the Police could get their estimation so wrong. Looking back on it, we can see that even we considerably over-estimated the numbers present, albeit considerably fewer than the Police misestimate.

As we say, we learned our lesson and ever since then we have ensured to have our own camera-people at suitable vantage points to ensure the nationalists cannot get away with their lies.

Here are our precise counts at all the AUOB marches since Dumfries.

Edinburgh 25-9-21: AUOB said 5K: Actual 847

Stirling 11-9-21: AUOB said 2K: Actual 360

Dumfries 2-6-18: AUOB (and Police) said 10K: Actual 1,854

As you can see, the Scottish nationalists are inflating their figures by up to 22 times (at Edinburgh 5-10-19)!

Revealing their lies is vital to our pro-UK effort.

It is important to get the numbers correct because it shows that nationalists, and the mainstream media, are hugely exaggerating their support. It is also important because otherwise pro-UK people might believe the lies and become disheartened and give up.

We stand for the truth!

If you do too, please consider becoming a monthly supporter from as little as £1.15 a week (£5 a month) via Donorbox here (you don't need a Donorbox account) or via the PayPal or GoCardless links here.

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Thank you! We're British, We Love the UK and we Want to Stay Together!

We spoke about this on our Saturday Street Stall, on 14 November 2020>


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