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"Stop Mass Immigration" Speech, George Sq, Glasgow

Alistair McConnachie

On Saturday 10th August 2024, a group calling itself "Stand Up to Racism" – although we prefer to call them, more accurately "Stand Up for Open Borders and Mass Immigration and Unlimited 'Asylum'" – held a rally in Glasgow.

Alistair McConnachie and a colleague went along to address them.


As you can see from the video at the bottom of this page, after briefly introducing ourselves, the Police moved us to a corner at the other side of the Square in order to put distance between ourselves and the group.


However, once we started speaking, we totally disrupted their event!

Over half of the attendees left their boring speakers, and came over to listen (and jeer) at us – which no doubt provided them which much better entertainment.


We delivered the following speech – which is a direct transcript of the video below – wherein we make the following points:


Millions of people in Glasgow, Scotland, and the UK want to

1. Stop Mass Immigration.

2. Stop the Boats and Send them Back.

3. Ensure No Resettlement of such people in Scotland.


We also called for

4. First Minister John Swinney to meet with a delegation from A Force For Good to discuss our concerns.

5. Politicians to recognise the normal and necessary concerns of millions and not attack people with smears.


Transcript follows:


My name is Alistair McConnachie of A Force For Good.


We are standing up for the concerned citizens of Glasgow who don't want to see their city and country transformed by huge levels of mass immigration and so-called asylum seeking. Who don't want to see all the problems and dangers which come from that!


Last year over 1.2 million long term immigrants came to settle in the UK. This is completely unsustainable.


We blame our politicians for this. We do not blame the immigrants.


And we ask, where are the politicians today who will point out that these numbers are completely crazy.


And look at the English Channel!



Where are the politicians who will address the anxieties of the people of Glasgow and Scotland, as we watch Britain being literally invaded across the English Channel, by hundreds of young men each day? These men make their way to Scotland!


We ask, where are the politicians who will address the concerns of the people who do not want groups of young fighting-aged men resettled into towns, and villages across Scotland and the UK?


Where are the politicians, upon whom we depend to recognise our concerns; where are the politicians who should respect our concerns. Where are the politicians who can engage with our concerns? Where are they?


Why should it be left to people like myself, Alistair McConnachie from A Force For Good to articulate these matters?


There are millions of people in Scotland – Unionist and Nationalist alike – who are rightly concerned about the levels of mass immigration, and we want the numbers to be hugely reduced!


Yet, there is nobody, on the other side of the Square today, who will address the concerns of the Scottish people regarding the transformation of our city, of our country Scotland, and of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Is it the politicians who should address it – upon whom we depend for our protection, yet they choose to support open borders!


They choose to support tens of thousands of un-vetted young men coming into our country before they will support us, the Scottish people!


And where are our politicians!


The leaders of all parties – SNP, Labour, Tories, Greens, Lib Dems. They all support this mass immigration which causes housing problems, social services problems, endless waiting lists in our International Health Service.


Well, we don't want Glasgow to become like London where the police have become over-whelmed with crime.



What about the concerned citizens of Glasgow, Scotland and the UK who do not support mass immigration, and who do not want our country invaded across the English Channel every day?


We have a right for our borders to be controlled.


We have a right to expect the Royal Navy – in the words of a former Prime Minister – "to defend our Islands, whatever the cost may be."


We have a right to feel safe on our streets. We, and our children, have a right to be able to afford housing, to enjoy a National Health Service, and not to be burdened by an International Health Service.


We have a right to enjoy a society free from crime, and a police force which is not overwhelmed.


So, we call upon our politicians to speak up for us.


And we remind you that it is the politicians to blame. It is not the immigrants.

As can be seen from the George Square camera on the day, when we started speaking (bottom of pic), we totally disrupted the Open Borders rally at the other side of the Square. Over half their audience came over to listen to us!


A Force For Good is calling for John Swinney to accept, respect, and engage with the concerned citizens of Glasgow.


The First Minster says we have a responsibility to confront what he calls racism. That's true.


Well, we also have a responsibility to "confront" the fact that immigration is too high; the small boats must be stopped and turned back; and such so-called asylum seekers – who are simply economic immigrants – should not be dispersed within Glasgow and Scotland.


He also has a responsibility to watch his language and ensure that he does not call the concerned citizens who point these things out, by any smear labels such as "extreme".


So we are asking John Swinney to meet with a delegation from A Force For Good to discuss these matters!


And while we are at it, we will also give him some policy suggestions!


We want to meet with John Swinney about our concerns for public safety, and mass immigration, and our concerns about the effects on housing, medical treatment, and social cohesion?


Millions of people throughout Glasgow, Scotland and the United Kingdom have these concerns.


These are legitimate moral and political concerns


And there are millions of people who share them. These people are not extreme.

These people are not extreme.


As we say, it is not acceptable to smear millions of concerned citizens as "extreme".


It's not "extreme" to be concerned about our country being literally invaded every day across the English Channel. It's normal and it's necessary to be concerned!


It is not "extreme" to stop children being attacked and murdered. It's normal and necessary to stop the dangers to our children.


It's not "extreme" to want to stop the boats. It's normal and necessary.


It's not "extreme" to want to send such so-called asylum seekers back across the English Channel. It's normal and it's necessary.


It's not "extreme" to oppose your country being effectively colonised. It's normal and necessary.


It's not "extreme" to speak about these things. It's normal and necessary.



Once again we ask the First Minister, John Swinney, for a meeting so we can discuss these matters with him.


And in the meantime we remind him – and all politicians – that he has a responsibility to watch his language.


It is important that he does not mislabel people as "extreme" when millions of concerned citizens have these concerns.


Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for listening.


God Bless Scotland, God Bless the United Kingdom, and God Save the King! Thank You. And Thank You to the Police here.

Here is the full video, of which the above is a transcript.


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