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Alistair McConnachie

Queen Anne's Hopes for the Union

After the Scottish and English Commissioners had finalised the agreed-upon Treaty of Union between Scotland and England, Queen Anne wrote to the Scottish Parliament on 31 July 1706.

As part of our on-going research into the Union of 1707, A Force For Good has transcribed the entire Letter. We have used modern spelling. We have removed the capital letters, except with the words which would normally retain them in the present day. We discovered the document at Google Books here.

Her Majesty's most Gracious Letter to the Parliament of Scotland.


My Lords and Gentlemen,

Since your last meeting we did nominate Commissioners to treat of a Union between our two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, and by their great care and diligence a Treaty is happily concluded and laid before us.

We have called you together as soon as our affairs could permit, that the Treaty may be under your consideration, in pursuance of the Act made in the last Session of our Parliament there; and we hope the terms will be acceptable to you.

The Union has been long desired by both Nations, and we shall esteem it as the greatest glory of our Reign to have it now perfected, being fully persuaded, that it must prove the greatest happiness of our people.

An entire and perfect Union will be the solid foundation of lasting peace; It will secure your religion, liberty, and property, remove the animosities amongst yourselves, and the jealousies and differences between our two Kingdoms: It must increase your strength, riches, and trade; and by this Union the whole island being joined in affection and free from all apprehension of different interests, will be enabled to resist all its enemies, support the Protestant interest every where, and maintain the liberties of Europe.

We do upon this occasion renew the assurances we have formerly given you, of our resolution to maintain the government of the Church, as by law established in Scotland, and the Acts of both Parliaments, upon which this Treaty proceeded, having reserved their respective governments of the Church in each Kingdom; the Commissioners have left that matter entire; and you have now an opportunity for doing what may be necessary for security of your present Church government after the Union within the limits of SCOTLAND.

The support of our Government, and your own safety does require, that you do make necessary provision for maintaining the forces, ships and garrisons until the Parliament of GREAT BRITAIN shall provide for these ends in the United Kingdom.

We have made choice of our right trusty, and right entirely beloved cousin and counsellor, James Duke of Queensberry, to be our Commissioner, and represent our Royal Person, being well satisfied with his fitness for that trust, from the experience we have of his capacity, zeal and fidelity to our service, and the good of his country; which, as it has determined us in the choice, we doubt not but will make him acceptable to you.

We have fully instructed him in all things we think may fall under your consideration, and seems to be necessary at present: Therefore we desire that you may give entire trust and credit to him.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

It cannot but be an encouragement to you to finish the Union at this time, that GOD Almighty has blessed our Arms, and those of our Allies with so great success, which gives us the nearer prospect of a happy peace, and with it you will have the full possession of all the advantages of this Union; and you have no reason to doubt but the Parliament of England will do what is necessary on their part, after the readiness they have shown to remove what might obstruct the entering on the Treaty.

We most earnestly recommend to you calmness and unanimity in this great and weighty affair, that the Union may be brought to a happy conclusion, being the only effectual way to secure your present and future happiness, and to disappoint the designs of our and your enemies, who will, doubtless, on this occasion, use their outmost endeavours to prevent or delay this Union, which must so much contribute to our glory, and the happiness of our people; and so we bid you heartily farewell.

Given at our Court at Windsor Castle the thirty first day of July 1706, and of our Reign the fifth year.


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